Manuscript Finished


After two years and countless drafts, the Forge of Valor RPG Manuscript is done.


The final version clocked in right at 104k words, including the tables and Asset lists. The first “final” draft was nearly 130k, but I made a number of preliminary edits and revisions that reduced that by about 20%.

Now, it’s in the very capable hands of Joshua Yearsley. We’re shooting for a manuscript version of about 90k, so that we can add some more setting fluff and leave plenty of wiggle room for extra gameplay examples, artwork, and so forth.

Target page length for the entire book is 200, with a final average word density of about 500/page. Mixing that with art, tables, graphics, and chapter breaks should create an aesthetically pleasing book and gameplay tool.

Let us know your thoughts and experiences on writing and editing, or ask any questions you may have about the process.

About the Author: Ben Dutter

Lead designer of Forge of Valor RPG, owner of Sigil Stone Publishing.